Day 26

Today a lovely friend came to visit. this was a very special occasion for the following reasons;

1 – My lovely friends husband was at home looking after their babies.

2 – My lovely HH was at home watching ours

3 – We did not have to look after any babies

4 – We could have actual discussions and drink coffee

5 -We could make lots of brilliant plans to do things that we will never do

It is on occasions like this, I find myself wanting to say “Ohhhh lets have some lovely wine”, because it feels like an excellent opportunity. Also, spontaneous wine is the total best. However, as I am not drinking any of the lovely drinks we did not do this, because we have loads of the brilliant will power that I don’t believe in.

I feel like now an excellent opportunity has passed and that I have missed out on something. I hate missing out on stuff. But I know that’s a teeny weeny bit silly as I’m sure that if I learn to drink again without being a massive knob, another chance like that will come in about a billion years. So that is fine.

One of the things we have planned to do, is start an introduction to yoga and meditation course. I am super excited about this because I love to learn new stuff and feel like there might be quite a bit of lying about involved. There are so many different evening courses around, you can literally learn to do all of the things. The world is awesome.

The boy baby also tested my not drinking lovely drinks resolve tonight, as he had made the decision that he did not, under any circumstances want to go to bed. Because I am horrible goblin Mummy I may have implied that it was ruddy well tough luck, because Mummy wants to sit still and watch rubbish tv……So he screamed for Daddy, who obviously made it all better because he is a hero.

I hate it when I know I’ve been a bit hard on the babies, because it makes me feel all guilty and rubbish. To make this better, I totally over compensated with the girl one and played, what I like to call, “shouting out random letters at Mummy and asking her what it spells even though they never spell anything” for 100 hours. This is one of her most favourite games and often we learn lots of new words such as rdfgy, or kzqxxygd.

Today I am grateful for the following*;

1- Lovely people who buy me lunch

2 – Lovely husbands who look after babies

3 – Lovely plans to do lovely things

Toria x

*It is a given that I am absolutely always grateful for all of the coffee.



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